Technology Led By Innovation
Any electronic system we see from calculators to computers and supercomputers including TVs and Refrigerators are indeed an embedded system. But what actually a embedded system has within itself. Let's have a look.
The simplest of embedded systems are electronic circuitry comprising registers, capacitors and boolean gates (transistors). The boolean gates performs the operations on digital information (in form of bits) stored in registers whereas capacitors provide power to the circuit. The most complex functions be it of AI, displaying data or storing data or anything else are just a multiple computation by these circuits. In fact the digital information (bits) is sent as output to the screen which lights it up accordingly. In fact the processor has only capability to take binary info as input and produce binary info as output. These millions of such processes produces a complex operation of the computer. In fact the processors also has a clock which calculates time for the operations and some special registers which specifies which operation to be performed when. Besides this the processor has no more capability.
But slowly the programming languages evolved over these electronic circuitry. At first machine language which are directly bits sent to the processor which succeded by assembly language which too can send directly digital matter to the processor along with some codes which are coded based on the binary information to be provided to the processor. Then low level languages and high level languages are all one after another evolved based on a level lower language than that. These days enhanced graphical softwares, data storage software or others are nothing but millions of such binary inputs sent to the processor which after processing gets accumulated back together into the overall output.
This is how a embedded system works and in lowest level of it data is fetched from memory by the registers which stores the addresses from where program to be loaded. In this way the whole of the systems work in the minutest level that is process basic binary operation whereas in top level computing most complex functions. This is the magic of electronical computations.